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Results for 办法国Univ-Tlse3毕业证Q微信1688 99991办图卢兹第三大学本科毕业证,Univ-Tlse3硕士文凭,Univ-Tlse3研究生文凭,改Univ-Tlse3成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证offer雅思考试申请学校,留服/留信/使馆认证,Université de Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier Diploma,Degree,Transcript5khb
  • Results will be returned that contain all of the terms entered. For example searching for bus schedule would return anything that contains both bus and schedule in any order but not only bus or schedule by themselves.
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  • Put a word or phrase in quotes to find exact matches. Searching for "bus schedule" will search for the exact phrase bus schedule with no other words between those two.
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  • There are no exact matches for 办法国Univ-Tlse3毕业证Q微信1688 99991办图卢兹第三大学本科毕业证,Univ-Tlse3硕士文凭,Univ-Tlse3研究生文凭,改Univ-Tlse3成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证offer雅思考试申请学校,留服/留信/使馆认证,Université de Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier Diploma,Degree,Transcript5khb.
    Showing results with 办法国Univ-Tlse3毕业证Q微信1688 or 99991办图卢兹第三大学本科毕业证,Univ-Tlse3硕士文凭,Univ-Tlse3研究生文凭,改Univ-Tlse3成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证offer雅思考试申请学校,留服/留信/使馆认证,Université or de or Toulouse or 3 or Paul or Sabatier or Diploma,Degree,Transcript5khb.
    REL 303 A - Paul:Life, Writings, & Contn Impact (2023-2024 Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 12:15-1:30 PM @ MAIN KEL 200
    offman Email Email More info More Info
    Mike R. Beggs Email Email More info More Info
    A survey of the life of Paul and the development of his theology in response to the problems and heresies he faced as an apostle and a missionary, with a consideration of their impact upon 20th century theology.
    REL 303 A - Paul:Life, Writings, & Contn Impact (2019-2020 Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed: 2-3:15 PM @ MAIN KEL 200
    Email Email More info More Info
    A survey of the life of Paul and the development of his theology in response to the problems and heresies he faced as an apostle and a missionary, with a consideration of their impact upon 20th century theology.
    SSC 495 A - Internship (2021-2022 Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 10:45-12:00 PM @ MAIN LMC 208
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...Internships or practical experience in an approved program of study. Limited to majors in the social sciences with a “B” average and the approval of the instructor. Required for Social Work Minors, and the Forensic Psychology concentration (Forensic Psychology requires 3 hours of internship or 3 hours of PSY 491/492). ...
    a section of the Internship course in Social Sciences - SSC
    SSC 495 A - Internship (2023-2024 Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 9:15-10:30 AM @ MAIN LMC 215
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...Internships or practical experience in an approved program of study. Limited to majors in the social sciences with a “B” average and the approval of the instructor. Required for Social Work Minors, and the Forensic Psychology concentration (Forensic Psychology requires 3 hours of internship or 3 hours of PSY 491/492). ...
    a section of the Internship course in Social Sciences - SSC
    SSC 495 A - Internship (2022-2023 Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 9:15-10:30 AM @ MAIN LMC 215
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...Internships or practical experience in an approved program of study. Limited to majors in the social sciences with a “B” average and the approval of the instructor. Required for Social Work Minors, and the Forensic Psychology concentration (Forensic Psychology requires 3 hours of internship or 3 hours of PSY 491/492). ...
    a section of the Internship course in Social Sciences - SSC
    CRJ 512_mcs M_ON_G - mcs_Criminology Theory (Graduate Course Shells master )
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Summer Lee Pearrow Email Email More info More Info
    Jacki Wisler Email Email More info More Info
    CRJ 512 Criminology Theory (3) Course Description: The course explores and synthesizes criminological theories and research to explain crimes in modern society.
    a section of the mcs_Criminology Theory course in Criminal Justice - CRJ
    SPA 491 A - Independent Study (2019-2020 Spring Term)
    e Email Email More info More Info
    Mary Johnson Shepherd Email Email More info More Info
    Independent Study courses may be taken for six hours maximum. SPA 491 or 492 are intensive reading and research courses designed for the senior year. Regular consultations with professor and Level 3 research paper required. Subject to Independent Study rules and regulations on page 64.
    a section of the Independent Study course in Spanish - SPA
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2019-2020 Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 11-11:50 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    ck Email Email More info More Info
    Dr. Betsy M. McDowell Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2022-2023 Spring Term)
    Mon, Fri: 9:15-10:30 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    ey Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2023-2024 Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 1:10-2:00 PM @ MAIN DNH 116
    Email Email More info More Info
    Jennifer Bickley Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    M_HIS 120 On - M_America in the Wider World (Newberry Online Master Course)
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Susan Epting Email Email More info More Info
    HIS 120. America in the Wider World. (3) A one semester thematic introduction to US History in a global context from the colonial era to present. Satisfies 2014 Core Curriculum as Global Learning 1(GL1) and Civic Engagement (CE).
    a section of the M_America in the Wider World course in History - HIS
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2022-2023 Fall Term)
    Wed: 8:15-9:55 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    on Email Email More info More Info
    Jennifer Bickley Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    M_RES 402 On - M_Community Health and Rehabilitation (Newberry Online Master Course)
    Email Email More info More Info
    Mr. Allan Edward Dunphy Email Email More info More Info
    ...RES 402 Community Health and Rehabilitation (3) This course focuses on determinants of health of individuals and the challenges faced by communities as they work to improve the health of their residents. The student will develop plans to maximize the use of community resources to address both acute and chronic respiratory conditions....
    M_CRJ 246 On - M_Criminology (Newberry Online Master Course)
    rd Dunphy Email Email More info More Info
    Ms. Charli Wessinger Email Email More info More Info
    Cynthia Eshleman Email Email More info More Info
    Dr. Patrick L. Beatty Email Email More info More Info
    CRJ 246. Criminology. (3) (SOC 246) Prerequisite: SOC 101 or SOC 102. Analysis of criminal behavior—the social definition of crime and the criminal, incidence and trends in crime, theories and explanations of crime.
    a section of the M_Criminology course in Criminal Justice - CRJ
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2024-2025 Fall Term)
    Mon, Fri: 9:55-10:45 AM @ MAIN DNH 110
    Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    M_RES 331 On - M_Cardiopulmonary Nutritional Care (Newberry Online Master Course)
    Email Email More info More Info
    RES 331 Cardiopulmonary Nutritional Care (3) A review of the nutritional needs, fluids and electrolyte balances of the cardiopulmonary patient. Emphasis will be placed on the nutritional components associated with various pathophysiological states associated with acute and chronic needs.
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2021-2022 Spring Term)
    Wed, Fri: 12-12:50 PM @ MAIN SCM 113
    ck Email Email More info More Info
    Jennifer Bickley Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2019-2020 Spring Term)
    Mon, Fri: 11-11:50 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    ck Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2018-2019 Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 11-11:50 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    cDowell Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    M_RES 321 ON - M_Advanced Airway Management (Newberry Online Master Course)
    rd Dunphy Email Email More info More Info
    Jerry Alewine Email Email More info More Info
    Ms. Charli Wessinger Email Email More info More Info
    MASTER online course: RES 321 Advanced Airway Management 3 CR. This course will provide instruction of airway management to include artificial airways, intubation, and specialty gases. Pre-Requisites: Admission to the BSRT program.
    M_POS 343 On - M_Constitutional Law (Newberry Online Master Course)
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Cynthia Eshleman Email Email More info More Info
    POS 343. Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights. (3) A survey of important Supreme Court decisions, their background and significance from 1789 to present. Particular attention is given to civil liberties and civil rights.
    a section of the M_Constitutional Law course in Criminal Justice - CRJ
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2020-2021 Spring Term)
    Mon: 8:45-10:25 AM @ MAIN
    ck Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2020-2021 Fall Term)
    Mon: 8:45-10:25 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    ck Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2021-2022 Fall Term)
    Mon: 8:45-10:25 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    ck Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2017-2018 Fall Term)
    Wed: 9-9:50 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    Wed: 11-11:50 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    cDowell Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    M_RES 333 On - M_Emergency and Disaster Management (Newberry Online Master Course)
    rd Dunphy Email Email More info More Info
    Jerry Alewine Email Email More info More Info
    RES 333 Emergency and Disaster Management (3) This course will discuss methods of emergency preparedness including public outreach and education as well as the development of emergency operational plans as they apply to the cardiopulmonary patient.
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2017-2018 Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed: 11-11:50 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    cDowell Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2023-2024 Spring Term)
    Mon, Fri: 9:55-10:45 AM @ MAIN DNH 110
    Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    M_RES 401 On - M_Advanced Pathophysiology in Critical Care (Newberry Online Master Course)
    Email Email More info More Info
    Mr. Allan Edward Dunphy Email Email More info More Info
    RES 401 Advanced Pathophysiology in Critical Care (3) An in-depth review of adult disease processes affecting the body. Particular attention will be placed on the correlation of disease processes and the infectious processes as they affect the respiratory system.
    M_CRJ 310 On - M_The Judicial Process (Newberry Online Master Course)
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Dr. Patrick L. Beatty Email Email More info More Info
    CRJ 310 The Judicial Process (3) Prerequisite: CRJ 101 or CRJ 246 and 212 This course is designed to provide information about the purpose and structure of the local, state, and federal court system and the process for adjudicating cases.
    M_PSY 231 On - M_Abnormal Psychology (Newberry Online Master Course)
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Dr. Sara Peters Email Email More info More Info
    Online Master course -accelerated 7.5 week format. PSY 231. Abnormal Psychology. (3) Prerequisite: PSY 120. A survey of historical and contemporary conceptions of abnormal behavior including assessment, theoretical perspectives, research, and treatment.
    a section of the M_Abnormal Psychology course in Psychology - PSY
    M_CRJ 312 On - M_Criminal Justice and the Law (Newberry Online Master Course)
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Cynthia Eshleman Email Email More info More Info
    Mr. Allan Edward Dunphy Email Email More info More Info
    Mr. Troy Crump Email Email More info More Info
    CRJ 312 Criminal Justice and the Law. (3) (SOC 347) Prerequisite: CRJ 101 or CRJ 246. Analysis of the American criminal justice system, focusing on the nature of criminal law, roles and functions of police, the criminal justice process, the court system, and treatment of offenders.
    NUR 301 A - History and Trends (2018-2019 Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed: 11-11:50 AM @ MAIN SCM 113
    ck Email Email More info More Info
    An introduction to professional nursing, including an overview of the historical and sociocultural bases of nursing, wellness, and healthcare in modern society. The concepts of the Neuman Systems Model and the roles of the nursing generalist are emphasized. (CACP Level 3)
    a section of the History and Trends course in Nursing - NUR
    PSC 495 A - Political/Legal Internship (2020-2021 Fall Term)
    an Email Email More info More Info
    ...Internships or practical experience in an approved program of study. Legal and political internships give students an opportunity to work in local, state, and national government; in political campaigns; and in law firms. No more than 3 hours can applied as elective credit toward a political science degree. Subject to regulations and restrictions....
    M_RES 330 On - M_Advanced Critical Care Monitoring (Newberry Online Master Course)
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Mr. Allan Edward Dunphy Email Email More info More Info
    Jerry Alewine Email Email More info More Info
    ...RES 330: Advanced Critical Care Monitoring A study of advanced cardiopulmonary monitoring used in critical care. Emphasis will be placed on hemodynamic monitoring, ECG interpretation, mechanical ventilation waveform graphic analysis, diagnostics lab values, imagining and capnography. 3 Credit hour course Pre-Req: Admission to the BSRT program...
    M_PSY 300 On - M_History & Systems (Newberry Online Master Course)
    s Email Email More info More Info
    Ms. Charli Wessinger Email Email More info More Info
    Melodie Anne Hunnicutt Email Email More info More Info
    ...Online Master course -accelerated 7.5 week format. PSY 300. History and Systems. (3) Prerequisite: PSY 120. This course will explore psychology’s roots and major divisions as defined by the American Psychological Association. Required for Psychology majors and concentrations. This course satisfies the Interdisciplinary (IDS) and the Ethics (ET) criteria for the 2014 Core Curriculum...
    a section of the M_History & Systems course in Psychology - PSY
    MAY 104 N - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2020-2021 May Term)
    in Email Email More info More Info
    Jennifer Bickley Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    MAY 104 A - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2023-2024 May Term)
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    MAY 104 B - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2023-2024 May Term)
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    MAY 104 B - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2022-2023 May Term)
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    M_PSY 360 On - M_Cognitive Psychology. (Newberry Online Master Course)
    singer Email Email More info More Info
    Dr. Sara Peters Email Email More info More Info
    ...Online Master course -accelerated 7.5 week format. PSY 360. Cognitive Psychology. (3) Prerequisite: PSY 120. A study of current theories of how memory, acquisition of new information, forgetting and retrieval are understood. Required for Psychology majors, or PSY 350 may be substituted; required for concentrations....
    a section of the M_Cognitive Psychology. course in Psychology - PSY
    MAY 104 O - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2023-2024 J-Term)
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    MAY 104 B - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2020-2021 May Term)
    in Email Email More info More Info
    Jerry Alewine Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    M_CRJ 248 On - M_Juvenile Justice (Newberry Online Master Course)
    Beatty Email Email More info More Info
    Ms. Charli Wessinger Email Email More info More Info
    ...CRJ 248 Juvenile Justice (3) This course offers a multi-disciplinary introduction the origin, character and scope of juvenile delinquent behavior and society’s attempts to define, prevent and control delinquency. Major theories of juvenile delinquency identification, causation, control, classification and social reaction are identified and examined. Juvenile courts, police, social workers, media and other actors are identifying, classifying and responding to delinquents are examined, compared and contrasted during the course. ...
    a section of the M_Juvenile Justice course in Criminal Justice - CRJ
    HCM 230_Master master - Introduction to Community Health _Master (Master Course Term 2025)
    ok Email Email More info More Info
    ...HCM 230 Introduction to Community Health (3 cr) This course introduces the study of population health and the various determinants of health. An overview of community, state, national, and international public health organizations will be analyzed, as well as the challenges communities face as they work to improve the health of their residents. Topics will include health care access, age specific health care issues, literacy and communication of health care information, biostatistics, epidemiology, and health care economics....
    MAY 104 B - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2021-2022 May Term)
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    M_PSY 350 On - M_Learning & Memory. (Newberry Online Master Course)
    s Email Email More info More Info
    Ms. Charli Wessinger Email Email More info More Info
    ...Master Course - Online PSY 350. Learning & Memory. (3) Prerequisite: PSY 120. A study of current theories of how memory, acquisition of new information, forgetting and retrieval are understood. Required for Psychology majors, or PSY 360 may be substituted; required for Experimental Psychology concentration. Offered spring semester, odd-numbered years....
    a section of the M_Learning & Memory. course in Psychology - PSY
    MAY 104 B - Healthcare Term, Consumers (2019-2020 May Term)
    Email Email More info More Info
    ...In this 3 credit hour blended course, students will critically analyze healthcare terms using Latin and Greek based roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine definitions of medical vocabulary. Students will identify the link(s) between their majors and healthcare terminology. Students will develop short videos to demonstrate mastery of terminology and will share these with the class.IDS...
    a section of the Healthcare Term, Consumers course in May Term - MAY
    HCM 401_Master master - Health Care Administration_Master (Master Course Term 2025)
    ok Email Email More info More Info
    ...HCM 401 Health Care Administration (3 cr) A study of the management of health care organizations with emphasis on managerial strategies, policies, and procedures. This course provides an understanding of health care organizational behavior, structure, governance, accreditation, planning, and social responsibility. It includes a detailed examination of the organization of the U.S. health care delivery system....
    P_PHE 232 P - P_Theory of Coaching I (Master Course Term 2025)
    ght Email Email More info More Info
    ...PHE 232. Theory of Coaching I. (3) Designed to introduce undergraduate students to the profession of coaching. Emphasis will be placed on the nature of the profession, qualifications needed in coaching, individual and team strategy, player-coach relationships, and development of skills. Theory and psychology of coaching will also be explored. Laptop or tablet with basic software functionality of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel required. Satisfies 2014 Core graduation requirement: Ethics (ET) tag. Offered fall semester....
    a section of the P_Theory of Coaching I course in Faculty Training - FOT

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