For SECURITY Purposes the Office of Campus Technology will NO LONGER reset passwords via the Phone. If you need your password reset for ANY reason, you can stop by our office at the Darrow House (please bring student ID) or send an email from a personal email acct to the following:
Please provide the following information:
Student name email address
Student ID
We will email you a new password as quickly as possible.
Cybersecurity Training Fall 2024 – Mandatory
Click here for instructions
Call the Help Desk at 803-321-5646
Click Here to Submit a Technology Help Ticket
Please read the following to ensure you have a complete understanding of the services offered by OCT.
IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION: While OCT provides recommendations to students, faculty and staff regarding reputable repair vendors for personal computing devices, OCT does not have the capacity to repair personal equipment including laptops, desktops, tablets, and phones.
Location: Darrow House 1814 College St. (Beside Dufford Alumni House)
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Phone: (803) 321-5646
Debbie Demidow Application Systems Coordinator
Cindy Strange Network Administrator
Timothy Collins Help Desk