
Course Information

M_ Human Heredity (M_BIO 110 OL)

Term: Newberry Online Master Course


Ms. Charli Wessinger

Office Hours

  • Start Date: Jan 5 2016 10:00AM
  • End Date: Jan 5 2016 3:30PM
  • Single Date:
  • Weekly Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  • Note: Specific meeting by appointment are available.

Ungrouped Items:

Skype Information

To find me on Skype:   Charlibyrd   Or you can locate me by my personal email:
Lindsy Boateng

Chair of Biology, Exercise Science, and Neuroscience

Associate Professor of Biology


Courses:  Cell Biology; Genetics; Human Heredity; Animal Development; Pharmacology; Biology of Cancer; Biological Science


Office Hours Fall 2024

Location- SCM 211:

Tuesday 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Thursday  9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Friday 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Electronic/Online Office Hours:

   Thursday  1:00 – 3:00 pm

Friday  1:00 - 2:00 pm


Email all faculty members


MASTER Online Course - Online Program 7.5 week structure.

BIO 110. Human Heredity. (3) Prerequisite: BIO 101, BIO 121, BIO 130 or permission of instructor. A non-laboratory course with emphasis on the transmission and expression of genetic information in humans. Topics include: introduction to Mendelian and molecular genetics; mutation and the genetic code; sex determination; hereditary disorders and genetic counseling; genetic aspects of intelligence and behavior; and the implications of genetic technology. Required for Nursing major. Offered fall semester