Tue-Thu, 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM (1/29/2024 - 5/8/2024) Location: MAIN DNH 110
Tue-Thu, 7:45 AM - 9:15 AM (1/29/2024 - 5/8/2024) Location: MAIN DNH 110
This course will be an application of medical terminology in a clinical setting. Students may utilize television dramas, YouTube, Pod cast, and other media offerings as a basis from which to extrapolate medical terminology. Medical terminology will be learned through the practical application of prefixes, root words, and suffixes to integrate and utilize these terms in a practical setting.
Prior to the viewing, students will be informed and instructed in the various components of medical terminology with particular emphasis placed on the 16 organ systems.
• Basic Elements of a Medical Word
• Integumentary, Digestive, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory Systems
• Blood, Musculoskeletal, Urinary, Female Reproductive, and Male Reproductive
• Endocrine, Nervous, and Special Senses
Throughout the course, students examine the usage and meaning of medical terminology. In addition, emphasis will be placed on prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Student will develop a methodology f