
Course Information

What's All the Buzz About (MAY 107)

Term: 2023-2024 May Term


Ms. Charli Wessinger

Office Hours

  • Start Date: Jan 5 2016 10:00AM
  • End Date: Jan 5 2016 3:30PM
  • Single Date:
  • Weekly Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  • Note: Specific meeting by appointment are available.

Ungrouped Items:

Skype Information

To find me on Skype:   Charlibyrd   Or you can locate me by my personal email:


Did you know the honey bees can fly at 12 mph? This means we really can't out run them! Since running is not an option, let's embrace these fuzzy little creatures that give us food as well as help our allergies. In this course, you will learn more about the honey bee colony, their dancing habits, and various roles in the hive. We will explore factors that are decreasing the numbers of bee colonies and engage in the ever popular debate on pesticides. We will also learn the best plants for honey bees and their fellow pollinators that you can plant to encourage a pollinator friendly garden to provide a strong habitat for these beautiful buzzing bees.