
Course Information

Experiencing Theatre (MAY 110)

Term: 2020-2021 May Term


Mon-Tue-Wed, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (5/17/2021 - 6/10/2021) Location: MAIN ON SYNC


Experiencing Theatre is meant to encourage an understanding and appreciation of present-day Theatre, including a study of various Theatre productions, followed by attendance at the shows. Through the works of significant playwrights, Theatre, as a form of art, is defined and related to expressions of human culture and to other arts. Travel to view three theatre productions in South Carolina is a required element of the course; students are responsible for purchasing their tickets. Textbooks loaned by instructor so travel and theatre tickerts are required purchases instead of textbooks. Recommended for majors, minors, non-majors, and anyone with an interest in Theatre.