
Course Information

M_Vitcimology (M_PSY 315)

Term: Newberry Online Master Course


Melodie Anne Hunnicutt
Email address is hidden, click here to email
Ms. Charli Wessinger

Office Hours

  • Start Date: Jan 5 2016 10:00AM
  • End Date: Jan 5 2016 3:30PM
  • Single Date:
  • Weekly Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  • Note: Specific meeting by appointment are available.

Ungrouped Items:

Skype Information

To find me on Skype:   Charlibyrd   Or you can locate me by my personal email:
Email all faculty members


Master Online Course: this is for the PSY program. 

CRJ/PSY 315 - Victimology

This course introduces the students to the field of victimology.  The course will emphasize the theoretical and empirical approach to the examination of victims, as well as, identify different types of victims and how to assist those victims.