
Course Information

M_Advanced Critical Care Monitoring (M_RES 330)

Term: Newberry Online Master Course


Mr. Allan Edward Dunphy
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Office Hours

  • Start Date: Jan 11 2019 6:30PM
  • End Date: Jan 11 2019 8:30PM
  • Single Date:
  • Weekly Days: Tuesday Thursday
  • Note: and by appointment.

Cell Phone 843-319-9510 (text message only)

Office Hours (Remote)

  • Start Date: March 6, 2023
  • End Date: May 15, 2022
  • Weekly Days: Tues & Wed evenings 
  • Note additional office hours by appointment; send an email or text request.
Jerry Alewine
Email address is hidden, click here to email
Email all faculty members


RES 330: Advanced Critical Care Monitoring

A study of advanced cardiopulmonary monitoring used in critical care. Emphasis will be placed on hemodynamic monitoring, ECG interpretation, mechanical ventilation waveform graphic analysis, diagnostics lab values, imagining and capnography.  

3 Credit hour course

Pre-Req: Admission to the BSRT program