
Course Information

History of the Theatre (THE 301)

Term: 2024-2025 Spring Term


Mon-Wed-Fri, 8:50 AM - 9:40 AM (1/27/2025 - 5/7/2025) Location: MAIN WT 205


History of the Theatre is meant to encourage an understanding of the development of western Theatre from the Ancient Greeks to Contemporary Theatre. Through lectures and in-class discussions the class will consider relevant plays, playwrights, actors, audiences, critics, theatre spaces, performance, design, and production practices as they chart the development of western theatre and relate it to theatre today. History of the Theatre is a content driven course that will draw students’ attention to the exchange of ideas as it relates to the historical development of theatre. Students will also consider cultural responses to artistic challenges and the cultural need for aesthetic expression. Required for Theatre majors and minors.