
Course Information

Hist-Struct-Art English Language (ENG 458)

Term: 2023-2024 Fall Term


Dr. Amanda Leigh Hodges
Email address is hidden, click here to email

My drop-in hours are:

12:00-1:00 MWF
1:30-2:30 TH


Mon-Wed-Fri, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM (8/21/2023 - 12/6/2023) Location: MAIN LMC 116


A study of the historical and cultural developments of the English language focusing on the changes within syntax, grammatical structures, stages and dialects of English throughout the world from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present. Emphasis is placed on the artistic, grammatical, syntactic, social implications of the formation and history of English. As well, the course highlights the diversity and fluidity of English historically and globally. Required for teacher certification in English. Does NOT satisfy Core Curriculum requirements for Humanities and Fine Arts (HF).